Alessandra Quarta
I have received a great training on chemical conjugation of antibodies to polysaccharide nanoparticles at the University of Melbourne.
Thomas Witzmann
I have performed Atomic Force Microscopy measurements on polysaccharide films at the University of Melbourne.
Miriam Quattrociocchi
I am very excited to work on the the engineering of new nanoparticles for drug delivery applications at the University of Melbourne.
Domitilla Vanni
I have contributed to the development of a new glucose-responsive insulin delivery system. Successful outcome! I also had a great time.
Julia Natalia Majcherkiewicz
I have received training on the ultrasonic synthesis of peptide-based microbubbles at the University of Melbourne.
Glay Chinea Santiago
I have studied peptides bioactivity using computational tools at the University of Rome.
Hilda Elisa Garay Perez
I have established a fantastic collaboration on peptide self-assembly with the physical chemistry group at the University of Rome.
Yordanka Masforrol Gonzalez
I have received a training on microscopy characterization of peptide microparticles at the University of Rome.
Ariel Mariano Felipe Gomez
I have found professional and welcoming people in Rome, and we have been able to establish a fruitful scientific exchanges.
Agata Glab
I have received training in FNUSA-ICRC at Brno on intracellular trafficking and activity of nanoparticles in 3D static cell culture systems.
Matilde Lopez
I worked on setting up a microcarrier for delivery of drugs. It was a wonderful experience! I had the opportunity to meet many colleagues and visit new places.
Ana Aguilera Barreto
In this exchange experience I have gone very far. I found a genuine and very friendly working environment where I was able to continue my research on microparticles for delivery of peptides.
Helena Ďuríková
Such an amazing experience! I could give my contribution to in vitro study of  glycogen-based nanocarriers for cell targeting and drug delivery. I am still enjoying this experience and I feel very thankful for it.
Soraia Fernandes
PEPSA-MATE gave me the chance to work within a multicultural team while collaborating with researchers with different scientific backgrounds.
Javier La O bonet
I have received a great training in spectrophotometric techniques and performed the physico-chemical characterization of membranotropic peptides for gene delivery systems, at the University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Fabiola Lelis
I have performed fluorescence measurements on antibodies conjugated with AuNPs at the University of Rome. I found a professional and very enjoyable environment where I was able to learn a lot and make many friends. I feel very thankful for this opportunity!
Yanet Tambara Hernandez
I have received a very good training on optical microscopy and some others physical-chemical techniques for the characterization of peptides and proteins. I enjoyed the research collaboration with the Physical-Chemistry Group,  at University of Rome Tor Vergata.
Antonella Damiana Recchia
I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the study on the impact of glycogen-based nanocarriers on the differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells at the University of Melbourne.